Thursday, April 30, 2009

April 30, 2009

Hi! Happy last day of April!

It's been 4 weeks since Gramma and I spent the day together and she was just telling me this morning how much I've changed! I have more teeth, I talk in “sentences” (mostly to myself), I organize the food on my plate and give it to her when I'm finished and I follow directions very well. I like to play this game with Gramma where I run away, turn around and smile and then run back into her arms (she LOVES it) and when you put me in my crib for naptime, I say “Bye!” when you close the bedroom door. I'm sure there's much more, but I won't bore you with EVERY single detail. :-)

I do have one concern, however, and that is for my Grandpa Saunders... he's battling a nasty disease called cancer and is not feeling very well. For some reason, his lungs keep filling up with fluid and that's not a good thing. Mommy & Daddy and I pray for him every night and because the Bible says that we should never stop asking, I'm hoping that you will join me right now in asking God to heal my Grandpa. I love him very much, but I know God loves him even more than I do and that He has a plan for all of us and wants us to trust Him. Sometimes that's hard for us to understand (especially when you're as young as I am), but Gramma tells me that God is in control ALL the time... even when it doesn't feel like it.

Thank you so much for praying for my Grandpa!

With love,